I need my SANITY BACK!

You guys!!!

Ahhhh I"m so sorry it has been way too long since I last posted...I am trying to get a feel for this mommy-ing for two thing; on top of feeding them, cleaning, bathing, cooking, groceries, oh yeah and then wait I need love too! lol

I will try to get back on here at least once a week from here on out! My baby Paolo is now 5 weeks old and I can't believe it...time needs to slow the heck down...I think it goes so much faster with your second! Wahh! So I really am trying to cherish each moment..when I'm not cleaning pee off the floor, or taking a toddler off the table for the millionth time, or changing poopy diapers...oh the diapers!

Anyhow! I FINALLY got some much needed #yoga in this morning! Like it was live or die kinda deal...my husband and I were so annoyed with each other, I wanted to strangle my kids and I stopped for a second and was like wait a minute...WHO AM I BECOMING?! I don't like this! 

TRUTH BOMB: Postpartum hormones can take a real doozy on your health & wellbeing! 
I've been taking it extremely easy with working out after Paolo was born...but seriously I didn't realize HOW much my workouts benefit my attitude, mood and overall happiness...until I'm NOT doing them! 
Momlife was getting the best of me, it was rubbing off onto my husband, my boys, and probably anyone else I was coming in contact with...😳working out is SO much more than a NUMBER or how you look...it is about taking that time for YOU so you can be strong, and mentally stable! 
Don't let the back to school craziness get the best of you...Don't let the daily grind of Momlife get you either..YOU DESERVE at least 30 minutes of time for YOU so that you can tap into your sanity and know that its not completely disappeared! email positivevibefitness@gmail.com to keep that head floating! I've got your back! 


A few of my favorite things


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