Why sugarcoat the truth?!

OK ya'll---You who know me, know I don't like to sugarcoat anything--and talking things SUGAR--I sure as heck refuse to sugarcoat this!

Because Sugar is just DIRTY--and killing you--did you know the average American is eating 1,000x the recommended amount of sugar on a daily basis??!! Sick right?! And the SAD part is--it is now sneaking into EVERY part of our diet one way or the other--so you REALLY have to make a conscious effort to avoid it.

WHY is processed sugar so terrible for you?!
Not only is it horrid for your waistline--it directly contributes to wrinkles, age spots, blemishes, lackluster skin and cellulite. It directly contributes to the breakdown of collagen in the skin, connective tissue and even your vascular system.

That sweet tooth certainly enjoys the indulgement in the moment but it is also extremely addictive as well as acidic and inflammatory in the body. Sugar literally steals nutrients and hydration from your skin, will weaken your immune system, making you more prone to getting sick (duh), feeds the bad bacteria and stops the production of anti-aging hormones in your body. ( Eat Pretty, 20).

Need I go on?!! Another reason to stay away from sugar is because it literally blocks your brain from the 'feeling satiated' feeling. So your body will continue to crave more and more; and when it does that it uses energy to process food instead of fat--so you store MORE fat.

Why do you think that Diabetes and obesity is on the rise? Not only in our adult population because it is becoming more and more prevalent in our CHILDREN. And the way sugar is disguised in our every day foods we eat has become even more the challenge. 

We really need to wake up and take a stand against this. We need to be more conscious about checking labels, making the majority of our diet from whole foods and less processed and pre-packed foods. Yes, they might be convenient, but it is completely wrecking havoc on your system from the inside out.

With that being said I"ll leave you this:

There is a new term called "Type 3 Diabetes" and it is coming from the link between insulin resistance and Alzheimer's disease. They state that Alzheimer's is a metabolic disease, one where the brain's ability to use glucose and produce energy becomes damaged. Basically it's like having diabetes in the brain. It is a terrible disease and they are finding that it can be prevented with a better diet.

Trust me I've battled with sugar addiction and its not easy to beat--but once you detox your life from it; you won't even know that it is missing, and the benefits on our health and longevity in life are well, well worth it.

Peace! xo


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