Island Vines Race Recap
My FIRST race re-cap! I feel so giddy about writing this and I don't have much to say other than it was PERFECT! I couldn't have asked for a better day weather wise; the course was beautiful and I got to run with a friend. So for deciding last minute (thanks to a weather forcast of sunny skies!) I am SO THANKFUL I grew some balls to say the least.
Yes, you heard that right; since having my son I have had a great fear of running in a race; something that I used to not even bat an eye at. Like race in town; OK sign me up I'm there kinda dea,l rain or shine I was there. I guess having a baby kinda changes your priorities and I had a hard time growing my 'balls' to just get out there and DO IT!
Anyhow, I have consistently been running 3 miles and only ran 5 miles ONCE since the babe was born; so a 6.2 Mile race was a bit nerve wracking. But again; I've grown wiser and taking a few walk breaks here and there were not going to kill me. So I called a friend of mine about 4 days before and I said OK! I'm going! So get my rump in gear and lets drive together so I can't wuss out.
Sure enough we met early that next morning; I got V all fed, changed and happy so he would take a nice snooze on the way down. When we arrived at the Snow Farm Vineyard there was not a cloud in the sky; absolutely GORGEOUS! And I silently said a prayer thanking God for this wonderful day and for bringing me to this moment in my life!
I got my bib; pinned it on my shorts, used the porta potty and waited for only about 15 minutes before lining up; I had more than enough time to scope out the other strollers only wishing and hoping they would all be on the race course too! I didn't want to be the only one! The wind was a bit strong at first and I got nervous for the baby but he was well covered!
We were OFF and running in no time, I felt awesome and everyone was loving the fact I was pushing a stroller; about 1 mile in I passed another women pushing a child but I think we were the only TWO! We should have gotten an award. HA! I think the last mile marker was at 2 and I thought to myself wow! only 4 to go and I felt great! The time seriously flew; running 3 miles lately has felt longer than what it took me to run over 6 miles!
I wasn't going to slow down; and my friend and I had a good pace together; There was one HUGE hill at mile 4.0 I think?! King and Queen of the Hill they called it; and I killed it! I walked a few steps but kept on trucking and the number of people that kept saying "nice job momma!' made me want to push even more; so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart if that was any of you!
At almost 5 miles Vito started getting upset and cranky. I stopped for a minute to grab his cheerios and make sure all was right in his world and told him to hang tight; we were SO close to being done and he was doing amazing. I continuted to pep talk him the rest of the way and I think it was more for my benefit than his! To say the least about 15 minutes later he was laughing; He was SUCH A good boy; I can't say it enough.
Someone told us we were almost there and we came unto yet another hill..and I said outloud; B**SH*T! That is another hill! But all I kept thinking was I HAVE to finish now because baby boy has been SO good and I can't give up on him!
Once I saw the finish I told my friend, dude, lets do this! And we sprinted the rest of the way; high fiving as we crossed that line. I forgot what that feeling was like! And I am STILL on cloud 9 thinking about it. Not only did I finish in one hour (1:02:19) to be exact, but I NEVER GAVE UP; I pushed about 35lbs of weight the whole way and I thank God for the opportunity and chance to be able to do so. Being able to share that moment with my son is something I hope I can share will all my future children!
A HUGE shoutout to my friend who ran with me the ENTIRE way; who slowed down those few times when I needed to stop to check on my son or feed him cheerios. I would not have been able to do it without you!!
Here's to the next race!
Any other mommas run this weekend?!
How was it?!
Peace, Love and smiles! xo
My FIRST race re-cap! I feel so giddy about writing this and I don't have much to say other than it was PERFECT! I couldn't have asked for a better day weather wise; the course was beautiful and I got to run with a friend. So for deciding last minute (thanks to a weather forcast of sunny skies!) I am SO THANKFUL I grew some balls to say the least.
Yes, you heard that right; since having my son I have had a great fear of running in a race; something that I used to not even bat an eye at. Like race in town; OK sign me up I'm there kinda dea,l rain or shine I was there. I guess having a baby kinda changes your priorities and I had a hard time growing my 'balls' to just get out there and DO IT!
Anyhow, I have consistently been running 3 miles and only ran 5 miles ONCE since the babe was born; so a 6.2 Mile race was a bit nerve wracking. But again; I've grown wiser and taking a few walk breaks here and there were not going to kill me. So I called a friend of mine about 4 days before and I said OK! I'm going! So get my rump in gear and lets drive together so I can't wuss out.
Sure enough we met early that next morning; I got V all fed, changed and happy so he would take a nice snooze on the way down. When we arrived at the Snow Farm Vineyard there was not a cloud in the sky; absolutely GORGEOUS! And I silently said a prayer thanking God for this wonderful day and for bringing me to this moment in my life!
I got my bib; pinned it on my shorts, used the porta potty and waited for only about 15 minutes before lining up; I had more than enough time to scope out the other strollers only wishing and hoping they would all be on the race course too! I didn't want to be the only one! The wind was a bit strong at first and I got nervous for the baby but he was well covered!
We were OFF and running in no time, I felt awesome and everyone was loving the fact I was pushing a stroller; about 1 mile in I passed another women pushing a child but I think we were the only TWO! We should have gotten an award. HA! I think the last mile marker was at 2 and I thought to myself wow! only 4 to go and I felt great! The time seriously flew; running 3 miles lately has felt longer than what it took me to run over 6 miles!
I wasn't going to slow down; and my friend and I had a good pace together; There was one HUGE hill at mile 4.0 I think?! King and Queen of the Hill they called it; and I killed it! I walked a few steps but kept on trucking and the number of people that kept saying "nice job momma!' made me want to push even more; so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart if that was any of you!
At almost 5 miles Vito started getting upset and cranky. I stopped for a minute to grab his cheerios and make sure all was right in his world and told him to hang tight; we were SO close to being done and he was doing amazing. I continuted to pep talk him the rest of the way and I think it was more for my benefit than his! To say the least about 15 minutes later he was laughing; He was SUCH A good boy; I can't say it enough.
Someone told us we were almost there and we came unto yet another hill..and I said outloud; B**SH*T! That is another hill! But all I kept thinking was I HAVE to finish now because baby boy has been SO good and I can't give up on him!
Once I saw the finish I told my friend, dude, lets do this! And we sprinted the rest of the way; high fiving as we crossed that line. I forgot what that feeling was like! And I am STILL on cloud 9 thinking about it. Not only did I finish in one hour (1:02:19) to be exact, but I NEVER GAVE UP; I pushed about 35lbs of weight the whole way and I thank God for the opportunity and chance to be able to do so. Being able to share that moment with my son is something I hope I can share will all my future children!
A HUGE shoutout to my friend who ran with me the ENTIRE way; who slowed down those few times when I needed to stop to check on my son or feed him cheerios. I would not have been able to do it without you!!
Here's to the next race!
Any other mommas run this weekend?!
How was it?!
Peace, Love and smiles! xo
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STart Line! Dang it felt good to be there again..see that sky?!! |
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Post race smiles! |
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Race Swag! I'll certainly be doing this race again! |
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