Weekend Round up and some #TRUTH


It has been a bit of a wild week! I think the last two actually but to be honest I have lost count! Getting into the rhythm of going back to school (even though it is ONLY 8 hours a week) a husband who works 60 hours a week and a teething baby has made for some long days.

Now I"m not complaining to say that it all sucks the big one, I'm just stating that sometimes 4 hours can go by and you don't know even know how or what took place other than keep yourself afloat! I have been getting my workouts in (because I NEED that outlet SO badly!) If I hadn't instilled this into my lifestyle when I did I am not sure how mentally stable I would be at the moment! Being tired (Vito has been waking up anywhere between 4-5:30am) has been a true test of my weak moments in the eating department. I haven't taken the time to plan my meals as well as I should be doing and it certainly is having a negative effect on my body. 

It truly is amazing how stress and being tried will trigger your brain to want and crave unhealthy foods! (aka chocolate, icecream and carbs! Carbs everyday!)  I have to say I am way better than the me 6 months ago but it is still a struggle!

I am reading a book right, well actually listening to it on Audible, called Made to Crave by Lysa Terkuerst. Seriously THE BEST BOOK EVER if you are struggling with food and want to look at these cravings/hold in a whole new light; you MUST read this book! My next challenge book my challengers and I are going to DIG DEEP into this book to help us on our journey.

So yes, I know this week I have 'caved' into foods that I am so called 'craving' but since starting this book I have second guessed my cravings and filled some of those moments with God; asking him to help me.

I got my run in this morning: three times this week actually! Whoohoo!!
And I may have just devoured some Califlour Spicy Bites; yeah those will be a topic for another day; AH-MAZING. That is all.

Have any of you Momma's out there read that book?!

Do any of you want to join me next month to really dive into it?!

HOpe you all had an amazing weekend!!

Peace. Love. Smiles.


A few of my favorite things


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