It is NEVER too late to start!--30 Day Virtual Boot Camp Application

It is NEVER too late to start! For ANYTHING!

Which brings me to the focus of our August Virtual Boot Camp; I am now taking applications!
We will kick off with pre-season beginning August 8th!!

Can you BELIEVE August is upon us?! Let us not feel shame or guilt for not taking action or priority over our health this summer. Let us Embrace the moment and the fact that it is never too late to start! Shame, guilt and fear will hold us back if we let it; it will cripple us and tell us we have to stay where we are. We become frustrated by these thoughts and easily give up.

I will not let you give up! Take action!  Action is the ONE necessary behavior in order to create success.

  • Success in feeling more energized
  • Success in overcoming thoughts of fear, doubt and shame. 
  • Success in taking time for YOU so that you can succeed in all other areas of your life!
You CAN develop these habits! The action is up too you, so let us get started and end our summer feeling EMPOWERED!

Results from my first 30 day virtual boot camp

During the 30 day Virtual Boot Camp  you will receive:
  • 1:1 support from ME, your coach!
  • Group support from like minded women battling the same fear & doubt
  • A dialed in nutrition plan with portion control containers
  • 30 minute OR 22 Minute daily workouts (the choice is yours!)
  • Access to a daily phone app tracker where you can track your workouts
  • Meal planning tips & support
  • The ability to access your workout from your phone, i-pad or any stream-able device, so NO excuses! ;) 
If you would like to join us please out the application below so I can get to know your needs and how to best support you on this journey! 

                        FILL ME OUT!

Talk soon, Keep it real friends...Peace!


A few of my favorite things


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