10 Things You Need for PostPartum Care

10 of my Favorite Postpartum Must Haves


So you had your baby, now what?! I feel that the journey of pregnancy (especially if its your first) is very overwhelming! You get inudated with all this info--very mixed may I add--and then you have the baby, they give you a stack of papers  in the hospital and send you on your way like what the what?! 
I've had THREE babies in three years; so Im getting used to the PP period at this point; and I've complied a list of all the things I wish I had known about the FIRST time! 

1. Core Restore Program! I had to add this first--heal your pelvic floor, re-strengthen your core and build back your muscles safely & effectively  after baby---emphasis on the SAFELY--Taking time for YOU after baby is going to make you a better Momma and I've put SO much work into this beaut! 

2. Bei Bao Postpartum Luxe Leggins--these are brilliant, made by a physical therapist FOR healing momma's. Made with compression and they support your core and cover your belly when nursing baby. 

3. Adore Your Core Bralette--having a supportive, comfy bra to easily access the boob for nursing is essential. This fits the mold and you don't have annoying underwires stabbing you all the time! 

4. Squatty Potty--ya'll everybody poops--and it can be scary as shit (no pun intended) to poop after baby--this thing is amazing! and on that note--when you have your baby ask for your stool softener! It won't hurt and makes things easier if ya know what I mean. 

5. Mothers Milk Tea-I'm not exactly sure that this works; I've always drank it though and my milk supply has never been an issue--I mean if you notice the picture above--my boobs are just about squishing my face

6. Lanolin for those nips. You may or may not be sore in this area if you are breastfeeding but I found this to be the best to reduce soreness or cracked nipples! 

7. Comfy Pajamas! You're going to want some nice new lounge wear; and button up is the best again because you can easily whip out the boob if need be! 

8. Primally Pure Non-Toxic Deodorant. Postpartum hormones can be a b**ch. It makes me sweat ALL the time and I had struggled with finding a deo that even worked and wouldn't give me all the nasty shit in my underarms. I FINALLY found this company and I actually use their Cleansing Oil Facewash also! It was the ONLY thing that cleared up my weird skin after babies! 

There you have it! I hope this helps and remember you deserve a few things that will fit comfortable those first 6 months or more--I learned the hard way and refused to spend money on myself after my first pregnancy. I don't know why I waited so long! 

Congrats on your baby Momma! 



10 things you need during pregnancy
Core Restore 
Losing Weight After Baby

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A few of my favorite things


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