Taking Strides
I feel like I have FINALLY got done a steady rythm with my running again; like it was all going well and I ran 3x a week this last week and the week before. I finally felt like my body was just doing the motions instead of me having too keep forcing it. And then this week we were plaged with a serious heat wave. Humidity in the high 90's with temperatures in the low to high 80's even reaching 90 a few days.
And it stopped! Just like that it stopped and I didn't run again ALL week. I set my alarm all week to go off at 5am, and I continued to push the snooze button until it was too late to go solo, and there was no way I could bring the babe out in the heat.
Speaking of the babe he didn't really enjoy the heat either; his schedule became all messed up. He woke up at 5:30 the past few mornings ready to rock and roll; yet somewhat on the cranky side! We legit hung out in our underwear/diaper ALL week. Thank goodness I have the opportunity to do that!
Well besides Monday and Tuesday where I had new teacher orientation, but that wasn't so bad. Only having to work two days a week is seriously the best. I couldn't stop smiling because of it. It is just the right amount of time, where you feel like you are starting to lose control of your house and then you can say, no worries, I'll tackle it tomorrow! I have to say it felt good to get my brain back into teacher thinking mode. The past two years I have been a General Ed. teacher, and this year I will be switching gears again and working as a special educator. I'm a bit rusty but I have great support and it will all come back!
I honestly just can't express it enough, HOW thankful I am to have the opportunity to have landed this part time job, to have the opportunity to BE HOME with my son and kiddos to follow (hopefully soon!). When I was pregnant I KNEW in my heart working full time was not for me. Life is just too short. So I am beyond blessed and seriously 'ask and you shall receive'. God knew what was on my heart and he answered my prayers in more ways than I could imagine!
The income will certainly be reduced, but we can swing it. Just having to tighten the buckle, (not that I don't already!). Knowing that I have my at home Beachbody business is also a huge relief in terms of income. In the next couple months I will be able to start paying some hefty payments on my last school loan!!!! We all know how freaken fantastic that is!!!
So I guess that's all for this week; Here is to a fantastic weekend, more running in the days ahead and to the life you have always imagined. Don't let fear hold you back; reach for those stars and dream big. YOU have a purpose in this world so let it shine!!!
Keep it real y'all
Peace. Love. Smiles.
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