Core de Force Tour!

I am super excited to share this info with ya'll;
Beachbody has outdone it again and they are launching a new program the end of the month!

If you want more details please hop on over to my Event page on Facebook for all the details!

Core de Force Event Page 

I think its great because Beachbody is always hearing what the customers have to say; they are always putting others in their best interest and developing programs for EVERYONE; Because we are all so different and just because I love one program, doesn't mean you will love it too.

I'm excited for Core de Force because it is all about kickboxing, MMA style, I was a HUGE Tae Bo(Billy Blanks what what?! ) fan ban back in the day, I know I"m dating myself...but I always had great results..especially in my mid-section area with that program. I know that Core de Force will offer much for the same and its even better because it comes with a fool proof nutrition plan!

Anyhow check it out and check back here for more details on how to get your hands on it if you are interested on launch day!


A few of my favorite things


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