Staying Positive in a Chaotic World

Well Hello Friends!

Happy Thursday!!

I have been wanting to type this post up for MONTHSSS--but never sat down to just FINISH in the dang thing; but heck yes I finally finished the damn thing!

I recently shared with you my top tips to maximize your morning and one of those top tips was to start reading personal development. When I first partnered with my network marketing company, one of the 4 daily behaviors was read personal development, (among working out!). I had NO idea what the hell that even was to be honest; I literally first thought OK now I have to go to that weird section in the Library.

Well let me tell you--my LIFE is completely transformed by reading 'those weird books'. I honestly am usually listening to on via Audible and then reading one at the same time during my miracle morning. Personal development allowed me to finally fall in love with the person God created me to be. It allowed me to realize that I was meant for MORE, a bigger life full of freedom and passion. It also has given me the tools to create a more positive mindset as a mother, as a wife, daughter and friend.

My entire mindset has changed drastically from a constant negative bubble to a more positive, encouraging, life is fantastic view--and yes we obviously all have our moments; but I don't know anyone that is happy 100% of the time anyhow.

SO HOW do you stay positive in a chaotic world?! I mean you would agree with me that our world today is filled with so many negative thoughts and hate--and honestly I do feel there is  A LOT OF good still left but that never gets showcased as much as it should be!

Well I have many tips but today I am just sharing the one of Personal Growth! Pick up a book or get a trial of Audible ---Use this link and get your first two books FREE---because we all have 3,923 things going on and the thought of reading a book is another stressor am I right? Well Audible my friends is a FANTASTIC way to listen to books via recordings--so you can listen in the car, folding laundry, mowing the lawn, walking your dog, pushing the stroller or even taking a shower.
So don't tell me you don't have time.

I personally do both, because I know I have 10 minutes in my day to read a damn book. Put down the phone, turn off the TV and pick up a book--I promise you DO have those 10 minutes a day to make yourself a priority.

So here are a few of my favorites and WHY:

Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly 
This book will walk you through some steps on how to find happiness in a changing world. Kelly walks you through a spiritual journey of finding yourself and your purpose here on earth, the one God designed you for. I read this during lent but it an be read any time of the year; its on my repeat list that is for sure!

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
This was my second book I ever read; and it is easy to read and very lighthearted. Sincero walks you through how to identify and change self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting wht you want. Create a life you freaken LOVE. Do it now, make some damn money--like you never have made before.

A Couples Devotional
If you are looking to invest in your marriage; specifically during that crazy busy time of parenthood this is a very lovely read. It's a weekly time commitment you do with your spouse; a few pages and then there are questions/thoughts you go over after. It's really wonderful no matter how many years you have been married!

Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis.
If you continue to tell yourself lies, or excuses as to WHY you cannot become the person you'd like to be, or maybe you keep breaking your own rules, your own commitments. Well GIRL--GET OVER YOURSELF--WASH YO' FACE and make shit happen. This book will basically kick you in the bum and give you the confidence to follow through with your goals.

30 Day Push by Chalene Johnson:
If you are looking to get started with some goals, either working out, accomplishing a 5K, or something else Chalene really breaks it up for you in small achievable steps. She does have a section about healthy eating and exercising, but more than that you can write in the spaces provided and really take action in your life. This was a big game changer for me--writing down goals in one place!

And my most recent find: Revelation Wellness.
I've been on this wellness train for about 3 years now and you guys I have really grown SO damn much it blows my mind. however after baby number three I really felt like I was lacking in something; and I just could not put my finger on it. I was listen to a PodCast I had kinda forgotten about called RevWell and it hit me square in the face--I was missing the REASON; like the big picture and that was Jesus. I KNEW that wellness was a mind-body-soul connection but I was just missing it. So READ THIS book if you need a reason to exercise and move that doesn't involve the scale or your pair of jeans.

I hope you find something that inspires you wants you to keep reading more.


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