What, you don't pee when you sneeze too?

Hello friends!

SOOO the elephant in the room, sneezing and peeing your pants at the same time, not being able to jump because you pee, feeling a heaviness 'down there' when you stand for long periods of time, or heck maybe you can no longer feel your husbands member when your making love. Like totally not trying to be weird but ya'll these things are REAL and they are really happening to many of us. Especially those who have had babies.

This is baby number three---my strong core and added strength marks.
I can't believe my body has birthed THREE babies.
I wanted to touch lightly on a subject today and that would be your pelvic floor; I"m curious to know how many of you discussed this with your doctors during or after pregnancy. Were you told to do 'more kegals?' The sad part is--this is what I was told and I believe it has made it much worse because that is only ONE part of the solution.

As mentioned several times before, I really started to research and look into the pelvic floor, proper core training during my third pregnancy. I was feeling really burnt out, exhausted and things down there felt sore and just 'off' much of the time. I practiced yoga for most of my pregnancy and stopped the running, higher impact jumping moves realizing I was not proving anything by doing so. What I WAS doing was causing more harm than good (DOH!)

Because NO ONE TOLD ME OTHERWISE! You search Google these days and dang there is SO much stuff out there--you see one person doing this that, one doing this and one say don't do either. And this is where my quest began! To find what SHOULD be done and not just the 'keep doing what your doing' kinda thing.

During pregnancy we have a so much more weight baring down on our core and pelvic floor, not to add the increased hormones that make everything so lax to prepare for labor and birth. Excessive running, jumping high impact movements will only put more pressure on this area. Even during the postpartum rest period our bodies are still full of hormones such as Relaxin that are keeping our bodies 'soft' and 'lax' so returning to running and high impact takes time and healing.

We have to remember that it took us 10 long and precious months to grow a mini human, it will take us that long, if not longer to 'bounce back'--which is an entire other topic for another day friends!

Cheering for you,

Do you struggle with pelvic floor/core support issues too?

I remember when I started running after baby #1, 7 or 8 weeks in, my core was always SO sore, I had NO idea I was doing more harm than good. :(

*I am not a doctor! Please consult one for further support and clarification.


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