5 Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

Hey Friends!!

Happy Wednesday.

I wanted to share reason why you SHOULD be engaging in exercise (as long as your Doctor say its OK and you have no pressing complications) during pregnancy. Having been pregnant three times before (well 4 but one was very short lived) I have experienced staying active for all three of them. And I've been at total opposite sides of the spectrum for all of them!

Today I want to share 5 reasons WHY you should be moving everyday and NOT eating icecream everyday, as fun as that sounds it is only going to leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally. I work with many women on a daily basis, many of who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or already had their baby. The number ONE thing that pregnant mothers tell me when they find out they are pregnant? "I can't workout anymore. I'm pregnant." OR "I'm trying to get pregnant so why start working out now?"

Ya'll if this is what the majority of women are telling me, than we, society, as a whole are not doing our job to share ENOUGH about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating during pregnancy.

1. Your are not only training and strengthening your body for pregnancy, you are training it for the thralls of motherhood that are going to come full force once baby is here. If you had signed up to run a half marathon you wouldn't do so without a plan right? Pregnancy is no different! You should go into your labor and delivery feeling strong, healthy and ready for baby!

2. It reduces stress. Pregnancy is not always easy, and for those who are experiencing your first pregnancy, it can be very overwhelming! You are not sure what to expect and everyone seems to tell you horror stories which only adds to your stress. Exercise will reduce that stress and have you feeling ready for anything!

3. It promotes muscle tone and better posture.
As your belly expands outwards it puts on a strain on all your muscles and your posture. When you strength train and stretch appropriately you will maintain proper posture and support proper gait so you stay balanced.

4. It can decrease the need for interventions during childbirth. Exercise allows you to build strength, stamina, and endurance. All of those things you will need during childbirth, and exercise will allow you to withstand the childbirth process longer. Research has been conduced that those who exercise during pregnancy have a lower change of experiencing interventions during childbirth.

5. Reduce excess weight gain and increase your self-image.
You will gain weight during pregnancy, its a given fact and  I wish someone told me this when I was pregnant with my first. Gaining weight is good thing as long as it is done in moderation and your doctor will monitor this for you. (I gained 40/45lbs with all three of my pregnancies, and I think I was 50lb with this last one..) Exercise produces feel good hormones in your body and allows you to see your body in healthy light vs negative one.

I hope this encourages you to keep moving before, during and after your pregnancy. I know that every woman's pregnancy and birth is different but I truly believe that the reason I had three medicated, vaginal birth's with no complications is because I stayed consistent with my exercise routine. If you need support with workouts to do don't be afraid to reach out! Be sure to check out my Ebook with prental/postnatal exercise safe core routines. Learn how to perfect your core routine so pushing out that baby is a piece of cake! ;)

Cheering for you!


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5 Exercieses Every Pregnant Needs to Do
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