MY Reason
My son, my little ray of sunshine that never dulls, HE is my reason to stay healthy and fit, he is not my excuse. Just because I'm a Momma now doesn't mean I need to stop putting my needs first. Yes priorities have shifted at certain times and schedules are more full but I still have time for ME if I make it.
I started doing 30 minute, at home cardio and weight workouts after having my baby. I needed something simple and quick that I could do from home. I didn't have time to go to the gym; nor did I need to start. I wanted workouts that would supplement my running nicely; something that would help me burn fat and build all my muscle back.
That is when I found the 21 Day fix! Not only was it an amazing workout program but the nutrition guide! Man, that thing is FULL of information!
These past few months I've learned how to portion my food according to my needs. I have learned how to eat healthy and meal plan all while staying present in my daily life as wife, mother and teacher. I've realized that you do not need to spend hours in a fitness center, or hours and hours running. (although sometimes I really do wish I could just run, run run!) I've learned that if you put in QUALITY 30 minute workouts combined with a nutrition plan you can achieve awesome things with your body! Our bodies are Ah-mazing!
I want to show my son (and future children!) how to live a healthy and fulfilling life. I want him to look up to me and grow up knowing that health fitness should be a priority in your life.
God gave us one body & one life on earth; taking care of YOU should be a priority.
If you would like to join me along this journey of healthy habits ➡➡➡ send me a message; we will encourage each other!
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