Because this season of LIFE is not easy

To all you late twenties, early thirties parents out there; know that this season of life is NOT easy.
Most of you may have one, two, three or more young children. Maybe you and your husband both work out of the home. Maybe not.

Maybe you are fortunate enough to  stay home with your babies---hardest job EVER--that does count too! Maybe you run your own business while caring for your children. Maybe you work part time (just for a bit of sanity! ;) )

Some evenings after you put your kiddos to bed you might be wondering what the heck happened to your life, as glorious as it is with your babies you wonder how on earth did you become so removed from life sans kids.

There is always so much to do, not enough hours in the day.
Your TO DO list grows and grows, yet you never seem to check anything off.
You spend the majority of your day wiping spit up of your shirt, wiping a poopy butt, cleaning pee off the floor, washing dishes, putting them away and cooking the next meal.

You never have enough sleep, your coffee is always getting cold, you are totally guilty of using the T.V. in the late afternoon when certain little humans won't nap and you seriously might freak your s**t if you can't sit down for a second or two (Thank you PBS and Wild Krats!)

You have laundry, so much laundry, clean, dirty, half clean, half dirty, beds to be stripped because someone wet the bed, oh and you cloth diaper too?! No way! SO MUCH LAUNDRY. But wait you are saving Money so that helps, its worth it, its worth it, its worth it!

And jeans?! What in the bloody hell are those? You go from PJ's to leggings to PJ's, and make up; HA, have you seen my hair?! Who needs make up when you have lovely purple accents under your eyes to highlight your newly found wrinkles!

You hardly remember the last time you took a peaceful shower, or if you even showered for that matter. Hairy legs, don't even get me started,,,You can't remember the last time you did something just for you, or together with your husband; just the two of you.Heck, when you do get a moment to yourself you don't even know what the hell to do with it because you miss your kids; and you just talk about your kids anyways and how cute they are, yet how much they wear you out.

When you are in the middle of typing this and its 8:47 PM, you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of your husband from work, the baby starts crying, you get up to get him and you say what in the hell is the back of my shirt all wet from?! You stop and touch it, smell it; smells like pee..oh must be the toddler peed on the blanket on the back of the couch...then you just laugh because well #momlife.

When Date night consists of a bowl of home-popped popcorn, a glass of wine and some netflix binging, yet you inhale the popcorn faster than ever, slug back your wine, cuddle in nicely and wake up to your bobbing head because you clearly can't keep your eyes open long enough for 30 minutes.

More often than not when you finally get to your bed , you look at your spouse and say "I love you so much, I hope the babies sleep for more than 4 hours tonight"

The morning comes much too fast, you dream of sipping your coffee hot, watching the morning news peacefully in the presence of an adult yet you find yourself making breakfast for an ornery toddler, breastfeeding your baby, changing poopy diapers, wiping up spilt coffee, asking yourself is it nap time yet?! and it all begins again.

So yes, these are the days, this is the probably the hardest season you will encounter, the days seem to go slow now, but when you look back you won't know where the time will have gone. You will miss this all they say, you will miss it. And yes we probably will, so know that you are not alone Mommas and Daddio's. This season will surely pass us much to quickly. So remember to live in the moment, don't sweat the small stuff and always say 'I LOVE YOU' to your spouse, even when you don't want too.  Because when it's all said and done, when the kids are living their lives it will be just you two again....and you'll say 'remember when?!'


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