Happy Tuesday Folks!!

How about that snow last week eh?! 😭 Over It! 

Anyhow, recently I completed an amazing online course to become a certified pre/postnatal corrective exercise specialist. It was AHMAZING--and I honestly wish I had known all that I learned before I was pregnant with my first. The information was so thorough and now I just want to share it with the world!  

One of the first things we discussed was the 5 fundamentals of life. If your not doing these 5 things than you probably are not living a very happy, healthy life. Pregnant or not. Which is why I feel really called to write a blog post about it. 
And seriously you guys, they are NOT hard things! 

1. Thoughts:
Your thoughts determine SO much of your life, your actions, feelings, behaviors, if you will hit your goals or not and so forth. Honestly I never realized this until I started reading Personal Development Books--seriously it will change your freaken LIFE--if you need somewhere to start, Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly is a great place to start! 

2. Nutrition: 
You are what you eat. THINK about that--really think about it! What ARE you eating? Over half of our population is obese--and one of the causes of this is our daily food choices. It really matters ya'll-like really matters! Because what you are eating--your kiddos are most likely eating; which will lead them to choose those same habits. It is NEVER to late to start changing how you eat. 

3. Movement : 
Due to the changes in society, the majority of us sit too many hours a day. Many of us have desk jobs, we sit in the long commute home, then sit to eat, sit to watch TV and then sit in our beds to go to sleep, and it all starts again. Our society is lacking movement as a whole today, so get moving! If you have a desk job set a timer to get up and stretch every hour or so. Create new habits!

4. Breathing: 
This is something new I have been learning this pregnancy. And holy moly I had NO idea how much our BREATHING has to do with how our body functions--not only that but the how so many of us breath incorrectly! I have to say I have had it all wrong for who knows how long--Did you know that the majority of the population are 'chest; breathers?--but guess where we should be breathing from--our DIAPHRAGM! Using the body the way it was designed will reduce aches & pains, and reduce the amount of toxins in your body--who would have thunk?! 

5. Lifestyle:
 What are your lifestyle habits? Do you stay up too late, drink too much coffee, complain too much, watch too much TV, sit too much?! Take a good look at your lifestyle as a whole, are you happy with the way things are turning out? Or is there much that you'd like to change--don't let this be a discouragement--let it be a moment of inspiration and start changing one thing at a time. 

This week I really encourage you to take some time and reflect on each of these areas--are there places you could improve upon? Make a list and start improving! 
No time like the present! 




A few of my favorite things


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