Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July!

I know I'm a day late posting this but yesterday was a bit crazy for my family and I.
There was a parade in town and my brothers were hosting a pig roast on the farm.
Just picture; I have 5 brothers; they all have friends, my parents come from large families and everyone lives close by. I think there were 100 people at the party at one point!

It was great! I played lots of volleyball, got rained on, indulged in a few small (bite sized) snickers from the parade and a DELISH homemade maple-pecan bar for a treat. It was well worth it!

I hope everyone had a safe, relaxing and fun filled day.
I hope you all took a moment to thank those that give us our freedom to celebrate days like yesterday. Their sacrifices are not forgotten and I am forever grateful!

From my family to yours!

Happy 4th of July! Thank you "Merica!


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