Plank it up for the Month of July!

Planks!!! One of the best exercises for working your whole body; including your core!

These are especially important to do after pregnancy and during to keep your core strong! I focused on them the first month after I had my first baby; once cleared by the doctor at 6 weeks and have seen a HUGE difference in my abs! I think they are stronger and more defined than they were before pregnancy!

Here is an article about the many benefits of planking :

Join me in doing a plank a day! Find me on Instagram: kaitlinspano and report back with how long you held it! Hashtag it ‪#‎plankadayks‬ Tag a friend! Do it with your family, your husband, your children, your friends! See how much stronger you will feel at the end of the month!

Whoohoo, here's to planks!


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