Okay; I have to admit…I am slacking on the running lately!

ACK; seriously I have never gone so long without running consistently! Its so weird, and even weirder that I haven't been totally itching to pound the roads. Well to be honest the thought has crossed my mind more than usual the past 2 weeks!

I feel bad because the Title of this blog is Run. Lift. Sweat, sometimes the only running I get to do is from the baby room, to the laundry room to the bathroom, to the fridge, back to the baby room, fridge, laundry, wiping up baby puke, oh wait, did you poop?! AH yup all over your back too! OK back to the laundry room, mop up the puke, and oh…I really need to pee already!
And seriously with all the lifting that happens in those moments, I seriously work up a sweat! HA

Get my drift?! So yes I am passionate about running, but lately all I can manage to squeeze in is a 30minute workout on my computer while the baby is napping or better yet while I'm holding him.  Having accountability groups has really helped me stay on track with my workouts though. Even though running has ben 'nil, my fitness is still being challenged! And after this week I am DONE a 60 Day program and I am SO PUMPED to have just about made it! I feel that my running is really going to take off with all the muscle I have built back so yay! I'm excited to start putting running back into my daily schedule!

Anyhow, I guess what I was trying to get at was I am still a runner, and I always will be, just at this brief moment in my life running has a different meaning. And I'm OKAY with that. I wouldn't change being home with baby for anything. Not even if someone offered me 4 million dollars. I am SO blessed to be given this journey of motherhood and as challenging as some days may seem, I embrace it and know that God is giving me just enough to get through these moments. Only by his grace am I able to get through them!

So all you momma's out there; if the only running you are seeing at the moment is from room to toilet to room, I feel you. We're all in this together; this season shall pass!

Keep it real! xo

Peace.Love. Smiles.
This is what happens when a certain someone just doesn't want to be put down....Ergo to the rescue! This is cardio training right?!!!


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