Spend your life LIVING...

We spend so much of our time being busy that we don't take the time to just LIVE. To LIVE and enjoy our journey. 10 years will go by in a snap and most of us won't know how or what happened to our JOURNEY.
This may sound so cliche; but you guys, this business that I started from my laptop at my kitchen table, has given me THAT LIFE...I'm living, just LIVING my life, being a stay at home mom, getting healthy and sharing my heart with others. I get to spend my day how I want it. I get to be Mom, yet I get to use my strengths to help others. I am so thankful that this opportunity fell into my hands, I'm so thankful I get to share it with others. 
Do not spend your life staying busy and predictable, spend your life living a journey worth sharing. 


A few of my favorite things


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