Family on a Mission

Hey there!!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend--looks like winter is HERE to settle in; I have to say I can handle today's temperature--if it stayed like that until spring I'd be a happy camper and so would my boys! How are your little's adjusting to the change in weather? Mine have been NOTHING but needy and miserable! I guess we aren't the only ones who feel the lack of sunshine....

ANYHOW I wanted to share a few thoughts with you all that I shared earlier on my FB page--I have roughly 40+ conversations in a day and SO many of you state that you wish being healthy and fit was 'easier". First off it is NOT easy! If it was we ALL would be doing it right?!! It really is a CHOICE.

One you have to wake up with each day and commit to it throughout your day. It is not a one size fit's all either---health and fitness looks DIFFERENT for everyone; and I that is where society makes a large misconception. It really isn't about giving up foods you love and restricting yourself from pizza and fries forever. It really IS about learning HOW to fuel your body, knowing what is good for you and what isn't and making those daily choices time and time again.

Two years ago---I was NOT eating as healthy as I am now; I was eating HEALTHIER, but because I have been CONSISTENT about it I have continued to make more changes to my lifestyle that are benefiting my family and I. It is NOT easy, but it is a CHOICE. Something we all have.

For me it's not easy because I'm in the midst of dirty diapers, endless cleaning, washing, laundry, needy children and sleepless nights---BUT I look at the BIG picture. Five, even ten years from now I want to look back and say YES those small almost seemingly meaningless choices have made a HUGE impact on where I am today. I don't want to wake up 20, 30, or 40lbs heavier, on medication for this that and the other thing thinking "DAMN, WHY did I keep saying next MOnday, or when the kids are older, or when I can sleep more etc. Because in the long run we are ALL dealing with shit---it never goes away--its HOW we deal with it that matters!

AND you guys---MY generation of 'people'---we are all overworked, stressed, overtired, and putting our health LAST--its not our fault; its how society raised us; work your ass off, get good grades so you can get a good paying job and raise a family. Someone they seemed to leave all that other really important stuff out.

I MAKE A choice every day to focus on my health, my husband makes a choice not only for US but for our children and their generation and the generations to come. Obesity, chronic diseases and Type 2 diabetes are all on the rise in our CHILDREN because of US. Because of how THIS generation is leading them to live. And it ain't looking good ya'll. So MY family--We are on a mission. A mission to CHANGE for the better. But we can't do it alone! We need YOU TOO! Two brains are ALWAYS better than one!

So will you join us?! On this mission? This mission to end the trend?

I hope you take some time to consider--and most of all remember to take time for YOU.
Because YOU matter too.

Be well,



A few of my favorite things


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