Cast your burden...



As I'm carrying my 2.5 year old to bed tonight; his head on my shoulder I seriously had to fight back the tears...I love this kid SOO DAMN much it hurts; yet the events of the day were filled with exhaustion, exasperation, yelling, crying, more yelling---From pooping under the table at lunch time, peeing on the floor of his room, pushing little brother down the steps outside, I lost my cool way to many times.

And in this moment--the moment where he still has the love in his heart to hug me and love on me like no other brought me to tears. As I snuggled him into bed I apologized, for the yelling, for making him cry---and I wish he would help me understand why he doesn't want to listen to mommy, or why mommy doesn't seem to be understanding him. He mumbled 'mmmhhmmm' under his breath while grabbing my hand and closing his eyes.

Like POOP. I feel like SUCH POOP. The last few weeks have been filled with WAY to much yelling, me losing my patience and cranky, cranky kids. I can't seem to find ONE thing to blame it on as I"m sure there are a multitude of factors; the weather, less outside time, lack of sun, mommy being 2 months away from having baby #3, not enough attention etc. As a stay at home mom of young ones I'm sure you can relate.

After putting him down I whipped out my bible study---I'm currently reading Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado with Proverbs31 Ministries. It's an online Christian community and this book literally could not have come at a better time in my life! I am a highly anxious person; always have been honestly! And I do many things in my everyday life to keep this to a minimum but there are certain triggers that cause it come back full force. The dark gloomy weather, being 30 weeks pregnant and caring for a 2.5year old and 15 month to name a few...

Anyhow, as I was reading through the study guide--the first sentence was about carrying burdens, that we don't HAVE to carry them---God called us to have child like faith--where your biggest burden might be trying to carry a dump truck and a backhoe in one hand or climbing up the stairs to go down a slide. As adults its SO easy to get caught up in the fact that OUR burdens can't be compared to others, that we have a pretty rough life--but this is NOT what God wanted for us. "Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you " Psalm 55:22

Going about your day to day tasks as a mom you tend to get caught up in the everyday grind--where the piles of laundry suck you in, the endless poopy diapers (or floor) boil your blood over, the non stop whining just gets under your skin and you lose your shit. Literally you just lose it. And I HAVE to continue to remind myself to PRAY in those times, to ask for guidance and grace because I AM NOT ALONE--even though it may feel like it! Having this book--and the reminder to open up my bible daily as God always seems to give you EXACTLY what you need to hear in the moment.

So my reminder to all of you Momma's who are feeling overwhelmed, guilty, exasperated and desperate for a change, a break, a moment to yourself--YOU ARE NOT ALONE! xo

And seriously if you haven't heard of this book--You gotta get a copy today--Anxious for Nothing: Finding in a Chaotic World 

Be well,


P.S. No time to read?!! No worries have you heard of Audible?! You can download audio versions of books and listen to them on the go! Either running errands, folding laundry, going for a walk, driving or maybe just laying in bed with your eyes closed because you can't muster any more energy than an open ear. You can get a FREE trial of Audible for 30 days along with a free credit for one book! Try Audible for 30 days--Enjoy Momma's! 

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