6 Months..Say it Ain't So!

Happy Tuesday Friends!!

Ya'll; Can we please just take a moment of silence at the fact that this little peach has reach the 6 month mark. 😭 Like, HOW. And I really mean that from the bottom of my heart, HOW. HOW. HOW. Having three little munchkins under the age of 3.5 is insanely lovely and wild, but man oh man "the days are long but the years are short' is a true statement!

I have to say; during pregnancy once I hit the 7 month mark I was SO. OVER. IT. I wanted to be done and over with and I honestly kinda wished it (we did not know her sex) would come maybe even during Christmas time; even though that was literally a month away from her actual due date. Well let me tell you, if ya'll knew me back when I was STILL pregnant you know she never came until 41 weeks, 6 days. She missed the 42 week mark by 30 minutes. 😂

Anyhow, as they all say each kiddo has a story, and this is all part of hers. I just love her squishy little legs, and her laid back personality is a welcome relief as her two older brothers are such a handful. I literally have tried to feed her solids a few times and she isn't that interested, and quite frankly neither am I! HA! She ate a small piece of banana yesterday, she was more interested in sucking the flavor off of her fingers. I did not spoon feed her ( This is a different topic for another day! I prefer BLW) But anyhow, I'll try again in a few days but she seems pretty content wtih Momma's milk, and that seems to be fueling her just fine these days.

Our little Ro-Ro, thanks for making our lives a little bit brighter, I'm honestly not quite sure what we would do without out. Happy 6 months baby girl!

And let this be noted, I all of a sudden feel very guilty for not making a post for Paolo's birthday, as he just turned TWO! (SERIOUSLY TIME SLOW DOWN) And our Big Boy Vito is officially 3.5 years old. So many milestones all at once! I think its funny they all hit bit milestones at the same time. One always a bit behind or ahead of the other.

When did you start feeding solids to your bae?!

Have a great one!



OH! P.S. For those of you who want to join our Busy Mom Bootcamp--I"M honoring $10 off all packages until the 15th to celebrate my babies hitting these big milestones!

6 months in, 6 months out! 

Rosa Marie's Birth Story 
Busy Mom BootCamp---
How I reduce my Ab Seperation 


A few of my favorite things


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