Top Naturalist Books for your Classroom

Happy Thursday Friends

Back to school time is upon us! AHH--for some of you it probably causes a lot anxiety, for some of you you may be super excited to have your kiddos back in school, and for some of you maybe you don't care either way. HA.

As a former teacher I have to tell you, I still get the August anxiety even though this is my second year that I am living contract free! Whoohoo!! There are things I miss about teaching, but I certainly do not miss the system of it. I think what I miss the most about it is that it defined me outside of being a mother, but that is what I have this blog for! :)

Today I want to share with you some books that I have reading this summer to prepare for the homeschool years with my kiddos. Yes I will be homeschooling my children, and yes I plan on sticking to the Reggio, Waldorf, Montessori principles. Why? Well because I love everything they stand for. I remember reading and researching them back in undergraduate school and just falling in love with ALL of them. Spending 11 years teaching outside of schooling I know that there is not one method that fits all. There are certain aspects of each that I really enjoy.

Montessori- Amazing Child --My first book I purchased when pregnant, shares the key components of Montessori and how to make them work in your home. Especially setting up a simple practical life shelf, math and literacy.

Montessori From the Start-A much more indepth book of the Montessori method; goes into greater detail but overall has some really great tips about spending more time observing the child and not interrupting them while they learn.

100 Languages  -A wonderful book that depicts the Reggio Emilia approach of play based learning and the importance of art in the early childhood years.

The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook -This has some awesome awesome tips on setting up a daily rhythm with your family, how to incorporate certain aspects of the Waldorf, curriculum guide for teaching and just great information about incorporating the arts into your homeschool home.

I had a much more detailed description of each book, and why I liked it,  Fo some reason when I hit publish it all disappeared last night. This is not the first time it has happened to me and I"m thinking I need to change my blogging site because it is super annoying when I put the time in and it goes POOF.

The gist of it was that this is NOT a cutsey, do it yourself list of books. These books are intended to help guide you as a teacher in creating a naturalist rhythm for your family. Maybe you will be homeschooling, maybe you have a classroom of your own, or maybe you just have crazy toddlers at home and want to set up a learning environment for them.

Anyhow, I hope this was super helpful for some and I can't wait to keep updating as I find more that really inspire me to keep adding in the naturalist feel to my kiddos play environment.

Are you a homeschool mom too?! Lets connect!! I love brainstorming with like minded women!




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