Simple as Intended.

Hey Friends!

Happy Tuesday!!

Today I wanted to share a bit about the town I currently reside and WHY I"m here.

Well I don't really know WHY I happen to be in this exact location other than it just happens to be the place I grew up. For those of you who don't know I grew up here in the country, a small town in northern Vermont. My parents ran a small dairy farm with my Memere and Pepere and even though there were times I wanted nothing to do with it, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have grown up the way I did.

Enjoy the fresh air and mountain views
The way the world is going now, I really feel extremely privileged to have the childhood that I had. Its funny because when I was growing up I never really remember myself wanting to LEAVE for good, I knew I wanted to get out for college because that is what everyone is supposed to do right? Even though I left for college being a mere 3 hours south I HATED it and cried to my dad almost every day on the phone. I stuck it out and am glad I got away for those 4 years; I made some of my very best friends during that time!

Anyhow; back to the point of this, when I got married my parents gave us a plot of land on the farm, so Carlo and I decided that it would be best to build a home and raise our family there. WHY?! Well DUH because it was the place I grew up, we have cows in our back yard and a million dollar view thats what, ha! Despite ALL that though, the reason I would not choose any other place (well besides Italy where my husband is from but thats for a different day) is because it is SIMPLE.

The town seems to be building up all around us, more farmers are closing their doors (again another topic for another day) but our little corner of the town is still just humming along to the beat of our own drum.
The cows are in the pasture eating, feeding their babies and living their best life.
Our chickens and duck roam from the lawn to the field to the forest like nothing.
The kids run around naked, play in the dirt, swing in the trees, dig in the garden, listen to the birds and watch the clouds as they roll over the mountains.
It is all so simple, and breathtaking when you really take a moment to soak it all in.

Doing boy thangs...
Here is the thing, in today's rush, rush, rush society it is SO EASY to miss out on all the SIMPLE. Being here in the country mostly surrounded by grass, mountain, sky, trees and animals is as simple as God intended. The last few weeks I  have really, really make such an effort to go outside with my kiddos daily--no media except my camera (for the blog of course) and I can't tell you HOW soothing and medicating it has been. I started getting lost in always having my phone with me, planning every second of the day and always needing to go somewhere, when in reality what we all need is right here in front of us.

So with that I REALLY, REALLY encourage you to get simple, go outside, touch the grass, breathe the air, look at the clouds, play with rocks. Just get SIMPLE.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside in the simple?
Live in the city?! How about heading to the closest park?! Or maybe your simple looks different for you, do tell!



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DIY Natural Cleaning Spray 


A few of my favorite things


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