Hammer and Chisel Day 8/9/10

Day 8- Chisel Cardio with Autumn

When I read the Cardio I was like OK; there are going to be lots of jumping jacks, burpees, jumping lunges and high-knees and on a Monday morning I was really, really dreading it! HOWEVER; it was not the traditional cardio that you think off that's for sure! It was more faced paced movements with weights and bands and it went by very fast!
That band might look like nothing; but boy oh boy does it work your body good!

Day 9- Max Hammer Strength with Sagi. This was just another way to increase your strength and hit the heavy weights. You would do so many reps with just body weight; you would then finish off with so many reps using a heavy target weight. I actually thought it would be 'easy' as I was lifting with the weights the entire time but boy was I wrong! I am feeling the burn from that today that's for sure! 

My post workout smoothie, 1/2 cup milk, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 packet of Vanilla Shakeology & 1 cup of ice. Blend and seriously it won't last long!!!

Day 10; Today was Chisel Agility with Autumn. I personally did not really care for this workout. It was tough but I just didn't enjoy the rythm. It could possible be because we have used weights or bands for all the the other workouts and today was just YOU and your feet! It was two rounds of high knees, grapevines, planks with random tap outs that Autumn would call, squat jumps, jumping lunges and some other fun stuff. It certainly was still a workout; and I am super excited that tomorrow is my rest day! I still haven't gotten used to resting on a Thursday! Its kinda nice!!
This was DINNER; the joys of having  a husband who is also an Italian born Chef-He made us wonderful veggie lasagna; and saving 2 of my yellows for that meal was well worth it! It is so nice he still thinks to cook healthy for me :)

SO that's all I got for you today! I have a new recipe coming tomorrow and a *VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT* coming next week...stay tuned!!! 

Keep it real ya'll...
who else is enjoying Hammer and Chisel?! Anyone?! Anyone? 


A few of my favorite things


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