Happy National Chocolate Cake Day!!!

Ahhh did you know that its National Chocolate Cake day?!

In honor of that>>> I'll be indulging in my 'shake thing'...it seriously tastes like a chocolate cake but provides you with over 70 super-proteins, super-fruits, super-greens, antioxidants, adaptogens, pre and pro-biotics and digestive enzymes. Not only is it a powerhouse of super-foods, its also filling enough to use as a meal replacement...as a busy mom this stuff has saved me too many times to count!

I get many e-mails asking WHAT is this 'Shake stuff' you talk of...and I basically tell them its is your daily vitamin in the form of a milk shake...vs a horse pill! <<<-------LIke no thanks! I actually had my yearly check-up with the Doctor this week and I brought him the ingredients telling him I no longer take my horse-pill because EW! My belly has just never liked them! He told me that this 'Shake Stuff' is the best he's seen and asked for a sample himself!

If you know me at all, you KNOW I would never put something in my body that was not the best of the best...because after all our bodies DESERVE the best of the best!

So Happy National Chocolate Cake day!!!


A few of my favorite things


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