Weekly Meal Plan for 1/11-1/17 (Hammer & Chisel)
Due to the weather forecast up here in the North East, I did all my meal planning for this coming week yesterday. I wanted to hit up the grocery store before today so I didn't have to go out on the nasty weather today. And waiting until Sunday just doesn't for me or my family. That is our church day; my husband is finally hope after a long busy work week and its just our family day. I don't want to spend it worrying about the following day!
As you all know I will be starting The Master's Hammer and Chisel on Monday so I was excited about some of the new recipes that were in the meal guide. I have to say the one amazing thing about Beachbody is that they really do give you EVERYTHING you need to be successful. It is all at your fingertips, the key to success to DOING it, committing to it and just following through with your actions. I think that is sometimes that hardest thing for us all!
OK so here is the meal plan;
Breakfast M/T:
1 HB egg with oatmeal and fruit
2 eggs with slice of toast + avocado
Pancakes with HB egg and fuit
Lunches M/W/F:
Smoked Salmon slices and poached egg on bread.
Side of Asparagus
Tuna salad with artichokes over greens + crackers
S/SU; Shakeology for lunch
Dinners: M/T:
Taco meat over greens
W/TH/F Grilled Steak with sweet potato fries and Brussel sprouts
S/SU; Any leftovers that need to finished up. Sunday is my cheat meal dinner.
SNACKS: Cukes with hummus,
Apple with PB,
Shakeology with a fruit
Melon and piece of cheese
As you can see; I KEEP IT SIMPLE! I usually buy the fruit that is on sale for the week when I go to the store, right now we have been eating a lot of Pomegranates. This week we will have a Melon; its nice to always buy what is in season....as much as I hate buying food that is coming from Mexico! One day my dream is too have a green house where I grow my own fruit and veggies all year long!
Also my husband LOVES tacos' and he is home MOnday and Tuesdays, so I usually always make some version of Tacos/burritos/fajitas etc for dinners those nights.
I hope that helps with some ideas if you are struggling! REady to get back on it and see my muscles POP! Summer bodies are made in the winter right?!
Keep it real ya'll!
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