Dirty Dozen

Hey Hey Hey! 

Happy Friday Eve!
This week has been a FUNK am I right?! 

Like BELCH--I just want some sunshine or SOMETHING. The winter blues are creeping their way in full force right now--so I keep checking in with my TRIBE because the keep me going on days like today! ANYHOW!

I went LIVE over on my FB page yesterday to share a few tips and tricks on buying Organic vs Non-organic; because the struggle is REAL right?! Eat this, don't eat that, I'm on a budget, but I don't want GMO's, but wait what?! Now they are putting THIS in our food?! LIke WHEN will it ever end! 

When I have my year-round green house that's when!!

Anyhow I shared a list of what they call the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen--Basically the Dirty Dozen is the list you WANT to buy organic because these veggies/fruits are known for the MOST pesticide use during growing and the Clean Fifteen are the fruits/veggies that are known to have the LEAST--so if you are on a budget and wanting to eat as clean as possible--this is super helpful! 

What do you struggle with most on your health journey, EATING or EXERCISE?! 

See ya! 

Coach Kaitlin 


A few of my favorite things


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