Happy Thursday friends!! 

Many of you know this about me as I get many questions weekly about what cloth diapers I use, how to keep them clean etc, etc. So I thought I'd share my top tips, tricks and brands of diapers I have used along the way for all three of my kiddies. 

First off, if you need some ideas Green Mountain Dipaer is a Womderful resource and has a lot of helpful information. It's a. It overwhelming but it's great info! 

First things first you'll need some sort of diaper pail with a wet pail liner. Easiest most efficient and clean way to store your diapers. I have survived three whole years of living without a diaper sprayer. I tend to just dunk and swish I. The toilet and rinse off in the sink what doesn't come off. It's worked well for us! 

Second, you'll want to decide if you want cloth wipes or not. I personally used these double sided wipes from GMD with my first about 75% of the time. As he got older and had more human poops I started buying wipes because it was just easier. With my second I solely used store bought wipes and still do. It really is just a personal preference. I got tired of making the spray all the time or tired of my oldest dumping it out or spraying it all over everything. 😂

Ok Now for the actual diaper part! 
I used these GMD prefolds with these Thirsties covers.  For my family and I they were the most cost effective and what seemed to make the most sense. They took a little while to get used too; you can use pins or these little things called Snappis to hook the cloth part, then you cover with cover. Easy enough right?!

These are newborn Bummi covers that I love for this stage!

When my first moved into toddler stage, things got a bit tricky.   We ended up grabbing some of these pocket diapers to try out, and I loved them! I did NOT like the microfiber inserts that cam with the diapers. I continued to use the same GMD prefolds that I already had to stuff inside the diaper. I still use the Thirsties covers, especially the smaller size for little miss! 
These are the Bumgenious Pocket Diapers

However!! The ONE downfall With cloth diapers is that 'regular' clothes will not fit as well. Baby clothes today are not made to fit those fluffy bums!! There are a few companies like Zutano, but they can be a bit pricey. I found this amazing company on Instagram and they make specific pajamas, or onsies for cloth diapers and let me tell you they fit SO well over those fluffy bums, are made right here in th US and the quality is fabulous. The onsies are white which I think is awesome because you can always the-dye!! 

Do you cloth diaper?
Thinking about it?




A few of my favorite things


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