Managing your Stress as a Busy Momma

This week has been rough, and I know it’s just a phase. My family has  needed more of me than I can produce and as hard as I try to pour back into myself I still get in a funk 😒 my motivation to do things and be proactive has really been in the negatives lately and I don't know what thr hell is going on.

I can’t really describe it other than it being a feeling. A feeling where I just don’t want to talk to people, I want to cry more often than not and I don’t want to Mom! And it’s not that I’m NOT grateful for my life, it’s just a feeling of funk. 😭 if that makes sense??!! 

I share this not for sympathy but to share that my life is not always what it may appear; I deal with shit too, I don’t always want to put my best foot forward, I don’t always want to practice what I preach. 💩Some days I really, really have to dig deep and lean in on my tribe to gain the energy back that I know will push me forward. 

Which is why I am SO grateful for them👯♀️💪🏻❤️ They remind me why I started this journey to begin with and why I choose this as a lifestyle—staying stuck is NOT an option for me  and it doesn’t have to be for you either—I’m proof that you CAN overcome. Even if it's only 1 day out of the 10; you KNOW that more good days will be coming! 

So my top tips to keep that funk outta your life:
1. Read/listen to Personal Growth--- Check out my Go To's HERE
2. Exercise and eat whole foods, y'all sugar and processed shit will make you feel like shit which will make your depression and anxiety worse. ( and trust me I know the trap of emotions nail eating--you are not alone!)
3. Ask for help! It's OK to ask hubby or fiend to watch the kids so you do groceries alone , or just take a solo walk
4: Get outside! Fresh air and nature is really important for the mind and combating depression, getting outside and actually enjoying nature meaning no phone is really important too! 

Which brings me to my last week of my journey. Day 38 of 60 currently. And It's sucked! I can't get out of my own way. Nutrition wise I'd probably give myself a B+. It really has not been horrible, and I honestly think I'm making more quality choices and sticking to my meal plan more than ever. However I just don't FEEL good about it and I don't know why. I don't know why I'm still binge eating or eating because I feel sad and depressed about the fact that Im still 15lbs overweight. Because clearly binge eating is not going to solve that! 

What it all comes  down too honestly is my MINDSET. And I'm doing all I can to change it. I've certainly come SO far in that area but I also still have so far to go. I weighed myself and it went up; yet I AM seeing more muscle definition so when they sat trust the process you really need to trust the process! But shit it's HARD! My body is not moving as quickly as I'd like so I know God is working some stuff out for me during this and I have to be open to listening and understanding.
And just because things are slow, does not mean I'm going to give up! 

Are you an emotional eater?
Sad, or happy?
Do you see food as good vs bad? 



P.S. Have you check out my info on my Nutrition Focused Success Group yet?!! For any of you Momm'as who feel trapped by emotional eating, stress eating or binge eating--you HAVE to check this out! 


A few of my favorite things


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