Postpartum Journey week 4

NWell Hello! 

Happy Monday!! 

Here we are another week in and I can't believe how much time flies. Yikes!😭 But serious,y, that just goes to show you, it's better to start taking action NOW in your health than to wait. Because the days FLY and you don't want another year and then another year to go by where you are stuck wishing you had changed. Just take action! 

My goal for this past week was to wake up at 5 AM three times s week so I could get my workout in before my children woke up. I wanted that ME time back and honestly really needed it more than anything. As difficult as it was for me I did succeed at this! Yahoo! Ants seriously WHAT a difference it makes in my attitude. You really HAVE to try it! Being able to take that time for me before all the hustle and bustle starts really makes a difference in my attitude towards the kiddos and I yell way less (there goes Mother of the year!)

Fitting back into these pants again was super exciting! 

My food intake was MEH this week, I wasn't fully prepped for all my busy days so when I Got home from errands I grabbed whatever was convienet, and let me tell you that is not always the best choice! Because it left me feeling tired, grumpy and bloated. So this week I have everything written out ready to lock and load. I'm also sticking to timed nutrition this week, so I know exactly what aim eating prewar joust, post, arms the rest of my meals for the day. These are all set at certain S times of the day based on when you wake up and workout --so stay tuned for more info on that. 

Let's see meals this week; breakfast was 2 eggs per usual with peppers or spinach. 
Lunch was tuna with celery and onions on lettuce or with carrots. 
Dinner was lamb burgers with asparagus, turkey burgers and then shrimp with veggies and couscous.
Snack was my smoothie with fruit and a celery,  Y'all I don't remember what the other meals were and Im sorry😂😭

I am starting week 5 tomorrow and I'm excited to see what these next 4 weeks will bring! I won't lie aim have serious FOMO from the ladies that will be starting the next 80 day journey on the 23rd. I have gone back and forth if whether I should not finish the plan with my trainer that Im doing now or star thr new one. BUT after many chats with my ladies I realized that I just need to stick it out and stop comparing my journey to what everyone else is doing. And I didn't realize how HARD that is! 

So ladies, don't compare yourself to what everyone else is doing--stick to YOUR journey, your goals and level up! 

How is your journey going?! 



A few of my favorite things


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