The Core Workout Every Momma Needs


Happy Tuesday!

Halfway mark with my third baby!

I am SO stoked to share this with ya'll but I have FINALLY finished my Ebook!!! AHHH SERIOUSLY if you would have told me 5 or even 10 years ago that I would have wrote an Ebook I would have laughed in your face, and said Ya right dudes. Because lets be honest, WRITING was one of my WORST subjects. I found it so boring and I was that person that could NEVER get my words out that way that I wanted too on paper. I just sucked. And guys not only have I written an Ebook, I have a BLOG; from which I run my own business. I can't even! 

When you are sick and TIRED of living your life according to someone else's rules and wanting freedom you kinda just DO things to make stuff happen!! 

Anyhow, at the beginning of the this year/end of the year I took a course to become certified as a pre/postnatal specialist. During my third pregnancy I realized there was a serious LACK of correct information out there for pregnant woman on safe exercise, specifically how to engage your core and not do harm to you or baby. I wish I had found out all this information before I had even become pregnant so I could put it into action. 
Medical professionals are not disclosing this information to our pregnant population and it honestly is a huge disservice to all my fellow Momma's out there. 
Which is exactly why I wanted to put this thing together! 

I am sharing this information with you and it WILL change your life, it will change HOW you move during daily routines and your fitness moves. It is a form of exercise that will challenge you and most importantly EDUCATE you for the experiences to come as you embrace motherhood. 
Access more info HERE

In this Ebook you will have access too:

  • How to How to connect to your inner core safely during pregnancy
  • The importance of the pelvic floor & how to strengthen it
  • The effect of processed foods on you & baby
  • How to manage the first 6 weeks postpartum
  • BONUS-VIDEOS(A $200 val
  • 4 Full body workout routines 
  • 1 Yoga routine 
  • 1 safe core routine 
  • How to connect to your inner core AND
  • How to engage your core AFTER baby

Check out the Positive Pregnancy Wellness Ebook!

I honestly KNOW it will change your life Momma, and it will give you the tools to have a more joyful pregnancy, reduce excess weight gain and the liklihood of having a natural, complicated free labor and delivery is high. 

Always cheering for you, 





A few of my favorite things


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