3 Steps to Eliminate the "Post Baby Belly Pooch"

3 Steps to Eliminate the Post Baby Belly Pooch. 

Hey Friends!!

Happy Tuesday!

Raise a hand if you struggle with that post baby pooch.

Yap I'm over here raising both hands!
Too be honest after my first baby it was never really an issue, but then I had my second a year later, and now a third another year later. And lets just say the ol' belly bel is a little stretched out.
This postpartum journey (my 3rd) has been the slowest yet the most enjoyable because I've just allowed myself the grace to enjoy the process!

So back to eliminating the belly pooch. Ya'll its SO simple. And I learned by taking a class and became certified in pre/postnatal corrective exercise. Because I wanted to heal myself and now I can walk you through the steps on how to heal YOUR belly! If you have specific questions about Distasis Recti, reach out to your OB and ask for a referral to see a Therapist--I do plan on making a video of this soon. It just hasn't happened yet.  Stay Tuned!!

3 Ways to Eliminate the Post Baby Belly Pooch.

1. Breathing-many of us do not breathe correctly; which causes unneeded aches and pains in our body and can be result to why our core muscles are not engaging and supporting our body the way they were designed to do.
In order to check that and start activating your core correctly check out my 2 Part Video Series I did.

2. Drink water people. Seriously DRINK WATER--YOUR body is over HALF water so start drinking and don't stop. A good rule of thumb to start is to drink half your body weight in ounces. MORE if you are breastfeeding or pregnant and even MORE if you exercise. Drink up buttercup! ;)

3. Lower your stress girl!!! Seriously take a yoga class, take a daily walk, mediate--stress causes cortisol which increases extra weight gain in our middle section. So take a load off, take a deep breath and just chill...BONUS--work on those breathing exercise WHILE you meditate and holy moly your life will start to change!

Cheering for you!!!!


P.S. Access your FREE Postpartum Checklist HERE! Babies don't come with a manual and neither does postpartum recovery; this guide will help you heal safer, faster and stronger.


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