Food Fight?!!

Happy Tuesday!! 

When you hear the word DIET, what does that trigger for you? 
Lettuce & Chicken
No chocolate
No cheating
Veggies & protien
Cabbage soup?

Unfortunately, our culture has placed a different meaning on the word ‘diet’. 
When we hear diet, we immediately think restriction or lack of (am I right?!) 
But really the word DIET just means what you eat, what you choose to put in your mouth, is YOUR diet. Whether it be french fries or a fresh cucumber from your garden. 

I just want you to FORGET the word diet, like can we please just erase all the negative things about this word?! Because the truth is, you don’t have to restrict ANYTHING to get to your goal weight, or start feeling better. 
You just have to change your mindset about food and be conscious of what goes IN your belly. 
Easier said than done though right?

So let’s talk about a new way to look at

Instead of saying “this is a cheat” or “I feel bad/guilty for eating this”… say “this is a treat and I am going to fully enjoy every bite! 

Instead of saying “screw it, I’ll start again on Monday”.... say “I am going to enjoy this fully because one treat will not affect my weight loss.”

Instead of saying “I need to skip a meal now”.... say “one bad choice will not ruin all the work I’ve been putting in!”

What you say becomes your reality. With your food AND with your body.
If you continue to self sabatage yourself with food choices, then beat yourself up for 'failing' or 'whatever I already had a cookie why not have 5 more?' mindset its going to be a L-O-N-G road for you. (Trust me I spent YEARS in this cycle and it sucks. 

When your one a mission to choosing Self love with your body, it is also abut choosing what you put IN your body.
Because whether you realize it or not when you are not fueling with the best options, you won't feel your best mentally and physically.
What I've learned is that when you eat whole clean foods you FEEL better inside and out. 
If you are filling up with processed, high sugar foods it leaves you in a brain fog, spikes your blood sugar and your body has a harder digesting it--which makes you tired, sluggish and irritable. 

And look as you know I have LITTLE 3 kids and we always have something going on, ALWAYS. I just make a choice to be present where I am, focus on fueling my body MOSTLY with foods that make me FEEL good and then make conscious choices to enjoy my favorite treats and foods that add to a certain experience. (mindset shift lemme tell ya)

You can live your life, fully and still reach your health goals and feel amazing!

Life is too short to be living in a constant battle between enjoying your life and feeling amazing!

I wanted to share that In my upcoming Nutrition Focused Success Group we take a lot of time to understand our relationship with food and work to 'fix' it. I have helped many women create a habit of choosing the better option instead of facing the constant battle! With some foundational work, consistency, and accountability from a tribe of women you can actually change the way you eat. Really, you can.

starts with one little choice. 
A choice to invest in yourself.

Are you constantly fighting the food fight too?!

Cheering for ya!


Sugar Coat the Truth
Cut Processed Foods


A few of my favorite things


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