
If there's ANYTHING I've learned on this journey it's CONSISTENCY!
And I don't mean being super strict on your diet and never eating a piece a cake. What I MEAN is that you HAVE to
show up 80-90% of the time--and just DO IT.
You've got to show up everyday, you've got to get outside your comfort zone and you've GOT to eat nutrient,
dense filling foods. There is no, I'll workout 7 days a week, eat OK 4 of the days and then eat ice-cream all
weekend and start all over again. Because that is where I used to have major struggle bus issues.
Before I had kids I was super strict with my diet, I'd have the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner; then
Thursdaywould come and I'd be starving! I'd binge on all the food, buy chips and ice cream at the store and devour.
No wonder I never saw results!! But my body was so depleted of the proper nutrients,
I would crave junk food because
I was addicted to sugar.
Insert Portion Control--and my life was forever changed.
I talk to SO MANY ladies on a daily basis and their main struggle is NUTRITION! Guys--I struggled too!!!🙀
I had NO idea what meal prep was, I thought eating an apple a day
And a salad at lunch with ZERO protein was normal. I was exhausted, mentally fried and tired of not seeing results.
My body was CRAVING the proper fuel yet I thought I was giving it what it needed--SO WRONG.

Learning portion sizes and finding out how EASY it was to work into my daily life was mind blowing--like this is
really ALL I was missing??!! I'm in better shape now AFTER two kids than I was BEFORE kids.
In all seriousness--stop stressing over things that don't work, why keep wasting precious time feeling
exhausted and worn out and binging on junk food or your kiddos leftovers?!
If you need support with portion control be sure to check out my GIVEAWAY on FB!
For all of your continued support for the past year I own ya'll something!


Do you use portion control?


A few of my favorite things


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