Happy Monday Mommas!👊🏻
Let me remind you today that no matter where you are on your journey, what pain you have endured or how many times you have failed --
Remember YOU have the power to change; YOU have the power to embrace all that you are and know that you have a journey to fulfill in this life🙏🏻

It may not LOOK👀 the way you imagined but isn't that the joy of LIFE?!

It's funny because as I look back at certain times of my life--I wanted different things. 
I'm pretty sure I always wanted a family--as I came from a large one myself (hello I was the ONLY girl who had FIVE brothers--and just happened to live on a small dairy farm non the less---) Anyhow; I certainly went through a phase where I didn't think any of it was going to be possible. 

I went through a really painful, rough time. 
It took me quite WELL over a year to come out of it--legit suffering from a broken heart! 

BUT heck I endured A LOT but it all made me stronger and brought me to where I am today--and I truly feel God gives us our struggles so we can share it with others and help them get through a similar situation. 

Hope you all are doing awesome! and make it a great week!! 

P.S if you are looking for some FREE workouts and accountability and motivation--come join us HERE
This year is all about YOU GIRL! 

P.P.S if your ready to go ALL IN and VIP with your health and wellness--ya can still do that too! Ongoing enrollment for January! 


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