Raising that White Flag--

I found this old post--and never hit submit from about a year ago--when I was a newer mom of two under two--the feelings are still pretty accurate and I still TOTALLY have them--Thought you would enjoy!! just keepin' it real Momma's!

We've all had those moments;

Those moments where both the children have been crying ALL day;
You are literally exhausted beyond anything you have known before because the baby is going through some 'growth spurt' and its been 3 weeks of peeling your eyelids open and praying you don't accidentally fall asleep while your toddler is running around.
This past week was a true test for me and on so many occasions I just wanted to raise my flag in the corner and say I'm done! You have won my children you won! Between the no napping toddler, the baby up all night, and still having mom duties. let me tell ya that is NO easy feat. Oh wait and the fact that I run a business from home---thank the LORD I don't have to worry about a dresscode--or my smelly arm pits. 

The toddler doesn't want to keep his diaper on, and every-time you remind him to use the potty he runs the other way and screams NO at you...the baby doesn't want to be put down; EVER like going to the bathroom just is not an option today Momma; sorry but it just ain't gonna happen unless you sit me on your lap. 

Oh and you actually have to feed the little monster?! Shit! The last thing I want to do is cook; let alone make some healthy meal so I don't feel as guilty. I am TOTALLY guilty my child ate a  frozen waffle for lunch and yes he ate it cold because even though I did try to toast it for him he screamed and wanted it cold. Fine then. Have a cold waffle, it won't kill you and its less I have to worry about, so ENJOY that cold waffle dude, ENJOY. 
And I certainly did not feel freaken guilty for letting him watch some PBS cartoons;(Wild Kratz, you are my new BFF!) because this Momma needed a SERIOUS mental health break or shit was gonna hit the fan badly. Wait, it may have already hit the fan and I'm just tired of picking up all the shit... 

It may have gotten so bad that I didn't know what to do and called my husband, at work, during the dinner rush crying (he is a chef!) because well I just needed to hear his voice. He asked me what was wrong and I said 'Oh nothing--just shit, tell me you love me an I'm awesome and I"ll hang up and leave you alone"---Sometimes all it takes to feel better is to hear your partner's voice to remind you you're better together--even you aren't together at the moment. 

So Momma; today if your picking up your shit after it's hit the fan--know your not the only one; I got your back OK?! 

Lots of Love, 


P.S--Do you love Wild Kratz as much as I do??!!   


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