Birth Story of Baby #3
Baby Rosa's Arrival ![]() |
My LAST baby bump picture before we were surprised with a baby GIRL. |
Oh man--baby number three! Just when you think you have this pregnancy thing down life throws your a curveball!
First off lets just state this pregnancy was probably my most challenging--I had a 2.5 year old and 1 year old, the majority of it took place in the cold winter, I got a sinus infection AND the stomach bug AND had to have a melanoma removed--It was a bit stressful to say the least! OH! I also had my FIRST experience with a back muscle spasm in the early second trimester; it was so terrible I had to go to the ER because I had no idea what was going on!
Anyhow---back to the birth.
My second child was 2 weeks early. Let's just say when I got to the last month of pregnancy I was like OK this baby is gonna come early no doubt!! (PS DO NOT THINK THAT EVER!) Because it will totally set you for more stress and anxiety.
The last month of this pregnancy I had SO MANY CONTRACTIONS. I had THREE false alarms where I actually called my husband and told him I think the time was close. Literally an hour after I called each time all action completely flat lined. Like SERIOUSLY?! I stopped telling him after that because I felt I was jinxing myself.
Friday night one of my lovely friends brought her mother-in-law over who was a former massage therapist. She said she would rub all my pressure points for me to see if maybe that would help move things along. At this point I was 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The LONGEST I had ever been pregnant--and for number three; it just felt so daunting.
On Saturday I woke up and was like "Oh Hey! Still pregnant!" I really just thought OK this is it; I'm a just be pregnant forever! I ate lots of Franks Hot Sauce that day; and took a few Evening Primrose capsules and had more Raspberry leaf tea. I totally was trying to make something happen without having high expectations. My husband came home that afternoon and stated he wasn't going back to work that evening. Because he 'felt' like the baby was coming later. I told him oh gosh please--don't even go there!
The evening went on without a hitch; I think I took a hot shower before bed; but I honestly can't remember--a little after 9 as we were watching Netflix in bed I had a few strong contractions--I honestly thought nothing of it because of all the other false alarms. We watched some more of the show and both hit the hay early--about 9:30 or so. After about a half hour in bed I may have had two or three more contractions, yet I could not sleep--so I thought OK is this really it?!
I got up, went the bathroom and sat on my birthing ball while leaning on the edge of the bed--something I was all too familiar with the last few weeks! I had two more contractions and was like OK 'BABE!" I think its time to go. I called my mom a little after 10:30 (correction my mom informed I called her at 10:58PM)--she got here a few minutes after to stay with the boys. I remember not being able to put my shoes on because I had one more contraction and it came HARD and HEAVY. I had one more while getting into the truck as Carlo sped off into the cold night.
I think I had a total of 3-4 more contractions in the truck--one while I was calling the hospital so my husband had to take over that for me. After he hung up I had one more and was like SHIT--this is like happening NOW; I was honestly shocked because each one just came SO much harder than the next and I was NOT expecting it to happen like that. When Carlo parked I basically ran out the door into the ER when I got hit with another. The ER lady just looked at Carlo and was like 'Is she OK?'
Carlo: "Well she is having a baby."
ER Lady; "OH! well put her in a wheelchair--I'll call upstairs!"
Me: Breathing/bellowing like a cow " I CANNOT sit in a damn wheelchair--let me walk"
Carlo--"Will you please keep it down" as he is forcing me to the wheelchair--As the contraction subsided I sat and implied "you better freaken RUN." And we raced down the hall.
I had another contraction just as he was pushing me to the Elevator; I stood up and started taking off my shoes, ripping off my jacket.
Carlo was like "Kaitlin will you just sit down!"
Me: Ignoring him as I'm literally trying to get him to realize this is no freaken joke--like this kid is coming!
As the Elevator door opened from the back side--thank goodness they let me in that door; I had another contraction and they shooed me into my room.
I yelled some profanity at Carlo to some degree of 'take my damn pants off NOW because I wanted to pee.'
The nurse walked me to the bathroom, yet I never peed because I had another contraction and was like "SHIT--the pressure!!!", thinking to myself my GOODNESS this is all happening WAY TO FAST.
The nurse looked at me and goes "GET TO THE BED!" She shoved me over as I ripped my long sleeve shirt off (seriously instincts totally took over with the clothes ripping off). As I kneeled onto the bed, I heard the nurse shout "Get Sully! The head is right there!"
I had one more contraction, looked at Carlo who happened to be standing next to me so relaxed and confused at the same time--I let out a moan and the baby literally 'nose dived' (Carlo's words) onto the bed.
The Doctor was not even suited up yet and goes "Well then! You have a baby!" I looked at Carlo and started to cry stating "What the eff just happened?!" He kissed me saying something that I was a badass and the baby was beautiful. Perfect choice of words babe--perfect. HA.
I honestly do not think I even pushed. I literally was just breathing through the contraction, I relaxed my pelvic floor and boom the baby was out. About 5 minutes went by and I realized I didn't even know if the baby was a boy or girl--the nurse said "GIRL" and of course I started crying again. I had a daughter! Ahhh!!
I'm not sure what happened next, other than me snuggling my babe who was FINALLY here--the Doctor told me that was the fastest birth he had seen ever--I was told by the nurse that I arrived through the elevator at 11:25, Rosa Marie was born promptly at 11:30.
If they had not opened the back elevator door; I literally would have had to walk around the front and Rosa would have come out on the floor. So I'm grateful that didn't happen! All in all I am thankful it went well, I had no tears, or rips--a healthy happy baby who finally came at 40 weeks and 6 days. She certainly took long enough but by golly when she wanted OUT she wasted NO time at all! To sum it all up; I had my first contraction a little after 9PM, I seriously had maybe 20 contractions total, and baby girl arrived at 11:30. I thought my last labor of 4 quick hours was SHORT! This certainly beat that!!
Now we all can't imagine life without her--she fits in perfectly--the boys adore her, she is extremely laid back and go with the flow. And good thing 'cuz her brothers are a handful.
What was your birth story(ies)?!
Any other Momma's out there with a fast birth story?!
It is kinda scary no lie!
P.S. Make sure you read my Pregnancy Must Haves!
The last month of this pregnancy I had SO MANY CONTRACTIONS. I had THREE false alarms where I actually called my husband and told him I think the time was close. Literally an hour after I called each time all action completely flat lined. Like SERIOUSLY?! I stopped telling him after that because I felt I was jinxing myself.
Friday night one of my lovely friends brought her mother-in-law over who was a former massage therapist. She said she would rub all my pressure points for me to see if maybe that would help move things along. At this point I was 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The LONGEST I had ever been pregnant--and for number three; it just felt so daunting.
On Saturday I woke up and was like "Oh Hey! Still pregnant!" I really just thought OK this is it; I'm a just be pregnant forever! I ate lots of Franks Hot Sauce that day; and took a few Evening Primrose capsules and had more Raspberry leaf tea. I totally was trying to make something happen without having high expectations. My husband came home that afternoon and stated he wasn't going back to work that evening. Because he 'felt' like the baby was coming later. I told him oh gosh please--don't even go there!
The evening went on without a hitch; I think I took a hot shower before bed; but I honestly can't remember--a little after 9 as we were watching Netflix in bed I had a few strong contractions--I honestly thought nothing of it because of all the other false alarms. We watched some more of the show and both hit the hay early--about 9:30 or so. After about a half hour in bed I may have had two or three more contractions, yet I could not sleep--so I thought OK is this really it?!
I got up, went the bathroom and sat on my birthing ball while leaning on the edge of the bed--something I was all too familiar with the last few weeks! I had two more contractions and was like OK 'BABE!" I think its time to go. I called my mom a little after 10:30 (correction my mom informed I called her at 10:58PM)--she got here a few minutes after to stay with the boys. I remember not being able to put my shoes on because I had one more contraction and it came HARD and HEAVY. I had one more while getting into the truck as Carlo sped off into the cold night.
I think I had a total of 3-4 more contractions in the truck--one while I was calling the hospital so my husband had to take over that for me. After he hung up I had one more and was like SHIT--this is like happening NOW; I was honestly shocked because each one just came SO much harder than the next and I was NOT expecting it to happen like that. When Carlo parked I basically ran out the door into the ER when I got hit with another. The ER lady just looked at Carlo and was like 'Is she OK?'
Carlo: "Well she is having a baby."
ER Lady; "OH! well put her in a wheelchair--I'll call upstairs!"
Me: Breathing/bellowing like a cow " I CANNOT sit in a damn wheelchair--let me walk"
Carlo--"Will you please keep it down" as he is forcing me to the wheelchair--As the contraction subsided I sat and implied "you better freaken RUN." And we raced down the hall.
I had another contraction just as he was pushing me to the Elevator; I stood up and started taking off my shoes, ripping off my jacket.
Carlo was like "Kaitlin will you just sit down!"
Me: Ignoring him as I'm literally trying to get him to realize this is no freaken joke--like this kid is coming!
As the Elevator door opened from the back side--thank goodness they let me in that door; I had another contraction and they shooed me into my room.
I yelled some profanity at Carlo to some degree of 'take my damn pants off NOW because I wanted to pee.'
The nurse walked me to the bathroom, yet I never peed because I had another contraction and was like "SHIT--the pressure!!!", thinking to myself my GOODNESS this is all happening WAY TO FAST.
The nurse looked at me and goes "GET TO THE BED!" She shoved me over as I ripped my long sleeve shirt off (seriously instincts totally took over with the clothes ripping off). As I kneeled onto the bed, I heard the nurse shout "Get Sully! The head is right there!"
I had one more contraction, looked at Carlo who happened to be standing next to me so relaxed and confused at the same time--I let out a moan and the baby literally 'nose dived' (Carlo's words) onto the bed.
The Doctor was not even suited up yet and goes "Well then! You have a baby!" I looked at Carlo and started to cry stating "What the eff just happened?!" He kissed me saying something that I was a badass and the baby was beautiful. Perfect choice of words babe--perfect. HA.
I honestly do not think I even pushed. I literally was just breathing through the contraction, I relaxed my pelvic floor and boom the baby was out. About 5 minutes went by and I realized I didn't even know if the baby was a boy or girl--the nurse said "GIRL" and of course I started crying again. I had a daughter! Ahhh!!
I'm not sure what happened next, other than me snuggling my babe who was FINALLY here--the Doctor told me that was the fastest birth he had seen ever--I was told by the nurse that I arrived through the elevator at 11:25, Rosa Marie was born promptly at 11:30.
If they had not opened the back elevator door; I literally would have had to walk around the front and Rosa would have come out on the floor. So I'm grateful that didn't happen! All in all I am thankful it went well, I had no tears, or rips--a healthy happy baby who finally came at 40 weeks and 6 days. She certainly took long enough but by golly when she wanted OUT she wasted NO time at all! To sum it all up; I had my first contraction a little after 9PM, I seriously had maybe 20 contractions total, and baby girl arrived at 11:30. I thought my last labor of 4 quick hours was SHORT! This certainly beat that!!
Now we all can't imagine life without her--she fits in perfectly--the boys adore her, she is extremely laid back and go with the flow. And good thing 'cuz her brothers are a handful.
What was your birth story(ies)?!
Any other Momma's out there with a fast birth story?!
It is kinda scary no lie!
P.S. Make sure you read my Pregnancy Must Haves!
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