Hey Momma! 

Happy Thursday!! 

SO--Postpartum---what an overwhelming and joyful time. I get it! I've been there now THREE times; and each experience has been different. Each time I have learned a bit more, given myself a bit more grace and learned to let things GO. Such as anything in life--we are constantly learning, growing and changing! 

Having my THIRD baby in three years, and being a stay at home momma of three babes, three years and under has its moments. Most of them amazing, a lot of them chatoic--but I still wouldn't want to be anywhere else or doing anything else in this wild crazy world than be MOMMA to these cuties! 

Which is why today I want to share my top 4 tips to surviving as Momma of three under three. Or Three, three and under. However the heck you want to label it. 
Because lets face it; not everyday is a walk in the park. 

As you know I am totally Type A personality and I always WANT to do it-have the clean house, the kitchen sparkling, the laundry done, the dishes clean, the kids clean and happy etc, etc. BUT You cannot do it ALL OK? And this is has been HARD for me to learn but I'm learning--Cleaning my house now once a day is what I've accepted. Why clean the room 4-5x a day when you can just do it once a day before your kiddos go down to bed? Yes you may be walking over toys all day but meh--your kiddos will still love you! 
As my mother always said "Cleaning your house while your children are growing is like shoveling snow while it is still snowing." 
She clearly knew what she was talking about! 

Keeping your kiddos on a schedule (as much as possible, obviously life happens) can make a world of difference. To the best of my ability we have the SAME routine everyday. Even in the winter I try to get the kids outside 1-2x a day. It breaks up the day and fresh air, in my mind is essential to keeping germs to a minimum. Fresh air also saves my sanity--even if it is only 10 minutes for the morning and 10 minutes for the afternoon; everyone benefits! 

Feel free to check out my post here on how I schedule my day with my kiddos! Of course you need to find what works best for you---but I hope this provides you with some ideas! 

This may seem like a strange one but ya'll--meal planning saves me on the daily. It not only saves me money on our weekly grocery bill but it allows me to have a plan for feeding my boys! So we don't have to live off Mac & Cheese and cheerios! Every week I sit down, plan out breakfasts, snacks, lunch and dinners for us. Sometimes I have what we need in the freezer; if not it goes on the grocery list. I also plan our meals based on what is on sale that week at our local grocery store, and I utilize coupons as much as possible! I just like being able to wake up and know exactly what the kids will be eating for breakfast; when lunch time rolls around I can look at our plan and know what I need to take out of the fridge--less thinking for Momma yet sticking to healthier meals for my fam bam! 

Investing in some type of baby carrier makes a WORLD of difference. Espeically if you happen to have toddlers running around a baby who wants to be held at the same time.It also works amazing for getting outside with your toddlers and allows you to keep up with your other kiddos at the same time! 
I personally  LOVE my Ergo carrier.  It is easy to put on--it fits your baby in all stages of life as a newborn until toddler age; so it really saves you money on having to buy multiple carriers for different ages. I have this one; and enjoy it because you can wear it on the front, side or back as baby gets bigger. 

If you use this link and code [jo8KbuYBBM] you can save 10% on an Ergo purchase of your own! 

OK, I'll admit I haven't done this yet--but it IS on my to do list!  As an entrepenuer who works from home and having a husband who works long hours its hard to find the time I need lately for my business.  My goal for this year is to hire a sitter so that I can work more focused hours that don't have to be into the long night hours. By doing this I"ll have more time to enjoy with my hubby and like take a bath or things like that in the evening! Thankfully I've finally reached a point IN my business where this is possible! #hustleandheart! 

There you have it Momma, I hope this helps your day as a stay at home Momma a little less chaotic and a bit more intentional with your babies! 

What is one thing that helps you get through your day as a stay at home Momma? 

**Some of my posts contain affiliate links, meaning I may earn a few dollars if something was ordered through via that link; at no extra cost to you.**


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