The thoughts of an overdue pregnant Momma

Hey There!

Hope ya'll are having a great week! The last few weeks--well I can't complain too much but they have been a bit rough to say the least! My due date has come and gone--and lets be real; due dates are just estimates right?! you can honestly have your babe anytime 2 weeks prior to two weeks after--I think its the AFTER that makes it hard to be patient! I am NOT a patient person ya'll!! Like AT ALL. 

So God has been obviously been working something out for me during this time as his timing is always PERFECT even though we may not like it! As I've made my way out into public this past week or even had visits from family and friends I find that some comments seriously make me want to b**ch slap people in the face. And I don't mean it to be rude; I think its totally normal for an overdue pregnant mother to have raging hormones---especially comments that relate to her still being pregnant. 

So I'm just gonna get this off my chest 'cuz I know there are many of you out there that can relate! As I was in the post office yesterday--I the comment "Hey! No baby yet huh?" 
Does it look like I gave birth yet? Can't you tell by my large rounded watermelon that there is still a human occupying my belly? I'm pretty sure you can see how uncomfortable I am so a nice 'Hey! How's it going?" would have sufficed! 

Other comments: 

"How  are you feeling?" 
"Happy due date!"
"Yeah--you look like your done being pregnant"
"No signs yet?"
"geesh you gonna keep that thing forever or what." 

SO--let me just preface by saying this--I have no doubt in my mind that each of these comments were made from a good place; intentions of caring but lets squash them all right now. I have two toddlers and am over 40 weeks pregnant; how do you think I feel?! I don't want to be reminded of my due date because it really doesn't mean poop. And you think I LOOK being doing pregnant--how do you think I feel??!! 
Signs--do you even know what means?! Of course I have signs but again that doesn't mean poop squat--and actually you know I really enjoy using a full roll of toilet paper in a day's time--so yes I do plan on keeping this babe in my belly forever. 

If you are reading this I hope it at least humored you. But I also hope it gave you some perspective of what NOT to say to an overdue pregnant woman. Asking how she is doing, or if there is anything you can do to support her would suffice. Not even mentioning that she is still pregnant is totally fine too. By this point we KNOW that we are pregnant and everyone around us knows too. Its kinda like the elephant in the room am I right?! 

OH if you ARE expecting and need some of the top 10 survival tips make sure you check out my last blog post! Because those things will get you through to the end! 

And in hindsight---I"m very blessed to have made it this far without any complications--I know not everyone has that chance and I'm very grateful. But we all have feelings one way or the other! 

Love you!!




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