Two weeks PP--One benefit; snuggling your baby AND sleeping on your belly again! HA

Hey Momma's!!

Loving the skin your in.

That is a loaded statement huh? Something I have struggled with basically my entire life--as long as I can remember anyhow. I honestly have NO idea why I struggled so much with it--Maybe the fact I had 5 brothers?! And no sisters? or the fact that I am a perfectionist/type A personality. I really have no idea. 

During my last year of high-school and throughout college I hit my all time high of anxious behaviors and I took it all out on myself. The why I looked (or didn't look for that matter). The fact that I could not achieve a certain GPA regardless of the effort I put in and so forth. I battled with un-diagnosed eating disorders off and on and even went through a phase of injuring myself because I hated myself THAT much. It was not a pleasant time---Over the years I had experiences that served me for worse and for better. It wasn't until I actually HAD a baby then I learned to LOVE myself. 

It wasn't until I actually picked up a self-help book and started realizing that I"m pretty freaken fab just the way I am. 

I am currently reading a book/listening to a daily devotional for Lent this year. 

The book is called Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly. 

I had just finished a book and had this one lying around from church--I received an email from Dynamic Catholic on Ash Wednesday realizing the daily devotionals work with the book and BINGO; no better time than NOW to invest in loving myself more right?! 

This sentence in the first chapter hit me HARD: 

"There is nothing more powerful than the way you speak to yourself."

Espeically being newly postpartum; it can be hard to accept and speak lovingly to your body; it really takes effort on some days; but an effort I am willing to put forth. Because I want my sons and daughter to have a good role model and accept themselves for who they are. I don't want them to suffer like I did in my past.  

The IMPORTANT part of this journey is that I ask myself everyday " Am I better today than I was yesterday?" No matter WHAT you are working on in your life--if you are not taking action, you will not change nor make progress. You MUST celebrate progress no matter how big or how small. 
Something I am working on DAILY now--thanks to this book for support! 

I have to remind myself often that I am a HAPPIER person when I am truly myself than when I sit there and compare myself to something/someone else searching for 'perfection'. We are ALL Perfect in our own way! What a lovely thing right?! 

So let this be a reminder to all of you---especially all my new Momma's out there--you are fearfully and wonderfully made--(and you DID just GROW a human!) BUT you are also a work in progress--so NEVER stop learning, growing and moving and loving yourself!!! 

Have you heard of this book?! 

If you aren't doing anything for this Lenten season--I'd love to have some other Momma's join me in this book study!  

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