Love Yo Self Day 7


You MADE it Loves!

You took small actions each and everyday to love up on YOU--and how are we feeling?!
Do you feel a renewed sense of calm and confidence?
I sure hope so!

Today I'm giving you TWO assignments--yes TWO, but SO worth it!
1. TAKE A BATH--I don't care if it has been years since you had one-- break out the bath salts, the lavender oil and bubbles and get into relaxation station folks.

2. DIGITAL DETOX aka Tech free Sunday OK? 
PUT THAT PHONE down, enjoy time with your family, catch up with your husband or partner--like really have a conversation without the phone in front of you or watching Netflix. Maybe you take a bath together! What what?! If you have a decent size tub that is--or if you want to take one alone I totally get that too...hehehe. 

So throw in those Epsom Salts, a few drops of Lavender, turn up the soft music and get a good soak! Even 15 minutes will be well worth your while Momma; I promise! 

Thank you SO much for accepting this challenge and giving your self some love. 
The ONE thing I hope you took away from this week is to continue to TAKE TIME FOR YOU. Take that 10 minutes, or 15--set an appointment with yourself and keep it. 

Let me know what your favorite part of the week was. 

Talk soon Lovies! 
Thanks for joining! 




A few of my favorite things


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