Daily Schedule as a stay at home Momma

Hey Momma!!

Hope you're having a great week!! 

I had some questions if I have my boys on a daily schedule or not. Just because we are home all day doesn't mean we just have a free for all, all day every day! And I'm not sure if it is the teacher in me or not but I find that having a daily schedule that we can stick to each day makes our days go SO much smoother! 

So I will share a schedule and a brief description of what that entails! 
I hope this is helpful for my fellow stay at home Momma's. If you are just starting to implement a schedule just remember some things won't work; and its OK to adapt and modify--you know your kiddos best! 

Wake up anywhere between 5:30-6:30--we do breakfast right off because they are STARVING.
6:30-7:30--playtime/books while papa and I drink our coffee and watch the news
7:45ish--we have a 'circle time' sing a hello song, and other movement songs.
8-9ish--They are good about playing, I'll take blocks or Legos out so I can get dressed and throw some laundry in etc. 
9.9:30--depending on weather we go outside! Even if its just 10 minutes!
When we come back in they usually are content and go to their room to play or I pull out some puzzles/activities they do on their 'work mats' so I can get lunch and do the laundry 

10:30-11:00 we do lunch
11-12 is quiet play; books, or more work mat quiet activities so I can clean up. 
My youngest naps around 12, and sleeps for a few hours--Vito has his quiet time and watches a few shows on the iPad so Momma can take a rest! This is when I do a bit of work; write my blog posts, answer emails etc or make phone calls, pay the bills--whatever is top priority for that day. 

1:30-2-Vito and I have some 1:1 time--we do his choice activity--sometimes we walk and get the mail, really whatever he wants besides watching technology! 

Paolo wakes up around 2/2:30 and depending on weather--we go OUT! Oh! We usually have a quick snack before than or after if I know its going to be short lived outside time. 

They play after--or sing songs etc while I get dinner ready. This is honestly the longest part of the day for me! So outside in the afternoon helps a great deal because they are always happier after. 

Dinner is usually around 4:15-4:30, they are always so content after eating so I can clean up!
Tubby time then books, clean up, jammies and BED!

This is what works for us. 
My husband is home only 2/3 nights a week to help with dinner/bedtime so I honestly think I need one more than the boys do! HA!

It wont' work for everyone but I like having a schedule. (Stay tuned for what happens when #3 joins the pack! AHHH)
Next fall I'll be changing it up a bit more and try to have more schedule activities for the boys--as Vito will be 3.5 and seeing as I plan on homeschooling him there is no time like the present to get him used to it! 

Do you keep your kiddos on a schedule? 
What has worked for you?




A few of my favorite things


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